573 BEST Quotes for Business, Success and Motivation

Business Success Quotes to INSPIRE your Life

Here you have more than 230 business success quotes and captions to inspire you succeed in your business. Who knows, you might just happen to be the next “Jeff Bezos” with an empire come out.

Whether you are re into a small or big business,an entrepreneur or an influencer, or just an Instagram influencer, check out these amazing success quotes to motivate you and also give you a good laugh for the day.

We also collected the best motivational songs as well as 67 coolest quotes about travel of all time.

With Instagram being one of the most used applications in business, boring captions and irrelevant posts will definitely make your followers scroll away.

Therefore, if you feel a little lift or think you might need a few tips and motivation in your business, well, let us help you out.

Index – Jump to your favorite:

  1. Success quotes from very famous people
  2. Short Business quotes
  3. Motivational business quotes
  4. Captions and quotes for businesswomen
  5. Business jokes to make you laugh
  6. Change in business quotes
  7. Business strategy captions and quotes
  8. Funny captions for business
  9. Business tips and quotes

Feel free to copy and paste these quotes and captions and use it on your Instagram. Remember to tag us though so we can also like, comment and share your quote. 

Furthermore, we have also added some Instagram-ready photos you can save and share.

Other captions and quote you’ll enjoy:

1. Success quotes from very famous people

There’s a lot to learn from famous people who already succeed. They have gone through the ups and downs already, so pay attention at their shared wisdom. We can all learn from. Here you have some success captions to inspire you:

  • “A bank is a place that will lend you money. If you can prove that you don’t need it.” – Bob Hope
  • “Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, whether it’s leaving home, whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s flying into space.” – Chris Hadfield
  • “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” – Coco Chanel
  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
  • “Play by the rules, but be ferocious.” – Phil Knight
  • “You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” – Warren Buffett
  • “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?” – Steve Jobs

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

  • “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States
  • “The stars will never align, and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.” — Tim Ferriss, Author of The 4-Hour Work Week
  • “I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.” – G.K. Chesterton
  • “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anaïs Nin
  • “Nobody drowned over his own sweat.” – Ann Landers
  • “The real test is not whether you avoid this failure because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.” – Barack Obama

The real test is not whether you avoid this failure because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere

  • “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.” – Helen Keller
  • “The last 10% it takes to launch something takes as much energy as the first 90%.” — Rob Kalin, founder of Etsy
  • “And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy’s sleeping? I’m working.” – Will Smith
  • “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein
  • “The first one gets the oyster, the second gets the shell.” – Andrew Carnegie
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller
  • “Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don’t find one, it’s you.” – Mark Cuban, AXS TV Chairman, and entrepreneur
  • “The only way around is through.” – Robert Frost
  • “I don’t know the word ‘quit’. Either I never did, or I have abolished it.” – Susan Butcher

I don’t know the word ‘quit’. Either I never did, or I have abolished it

  • “Forget past mistakes. Also, forget failures. And forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” – William Durant
  • “If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.” – Noel Coward
  • “Get a mentor in the applicable field if you’re at all unsure of what you’re looking for.” – Kyle Bragger, founder of Forrst, and co-founder of Exposure
  • “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rodgers
  • “I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell
  • “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vidal Sassoon
  • “Fall seven times and stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb

Fall seven times and stand up eight

  • “I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come indirectly through accident, except the phonograph. No, when I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes.” – Thomas Edison
  • “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember–the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Work alone is noble.” – Thomas Carlyle
  • “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer
  • The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.” – Aristotle Onassis
  • “Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.” – Babe Ruth
  • “Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty—six times I’ve been trusted to take the game—winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty—six times I’ve been trusted to take the game—winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed

  • “Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.” – Thomas A. Edison
  • “What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone, know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed.” — Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy’s
  • “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
  • “If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance.” – Abraham Lincoln

2. Short business quotes

Wanna keep it short and simple? Here are a few short business quotes you can check out:

  • Plans are nothing, planning is everything.
  • “Change before you have to.” – Jack Welch
  • Change is the only constant in life.
  • Big business starts small.
  • A goal without a plan is just a wish.
  • Keep grinding your day is coming.
  • One day or day one, the choice is yours.

One day or day one, the choice is yours

  • I fear no one. But I respect everyone.
  • The harder I work the more I live.
  • A goal is a dream with a deadline.
  • Know your worth. Then add tax.
  • If you think you can, you can.
  • Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up – Chinese Proverb
  • Broken colors still color.

Broken colors still colors

  • Do what you were born to do.
  • A small business can go global, too.
  • “Hope is not a strategy.” – Vince Lombardi
  • Don’t count the days. Make the days count.
  • You can’t manage what you can’t measure.

3. Motivational success quotes

In our business (and in life), there would be moments where we lose track of our goals. It is during these times that we will need a little push. Stay motivated with these motivational quotes:

  • Write your goals and work on them every damn day.
  • The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection.
  • Don’t hire people just to fit the first job they will do. Hire people you want to share your life with.
  • Mindset is what separates the best from the rest.
  • Surround yourself only with people who force you to level up.
  • A character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
    – Helen Keller
  • I act poorly. You look rich. We are both liars.
  • Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
  • “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!” – Jonathan Winters
  • “It is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • Work so hard that one day your autograph will be called an autograph.

Work so hard

  • Turn off your devices and turn on your minds.
  • I’m great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.
  • Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
  • It’s not who you know, it’s who you know.
  • When your work speaks for yourself, don’t interrupt.
  • “Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us.” ― Louisa May Alcott
  • “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” – Peter Drucker
  • “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “Good brands reflect the histories of the time and the group of people that made them. They can not be copied. They can not be recycled.” ― Richard Branson
  • “Talent can be hired, money has to be earned. ” – Vishnu
  • Be the one who gets up and makes it happen. Not the one who sleeps and only dreams of success.

Make it happen

  • Meet someone new every day. You will grow in every way.
  • Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.
  • A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
  • To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
  • “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne
  • To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
  • Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
  • “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou
  • Better an oops than a what if.

Better an oops than a what if

  • “When what you are deeply passionate about, what you can be best in the world at and what drives your economic engine] come together, not only does your work move toward greatness but so does your life. For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then, you might gain that rare tranquility that comes from knowing that you’ve had a hand in creating something of intrinsic excellence that contributes. Indeed, you might even gain that deepest of all satisfactions: knowing that your short time here on this earth has been well spent and that it mattered.” ― James C. Collins
  • Starve your distractions. Feed your focus.
  • “Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.” – Henry Ford
  • “There have been times when I could have succumbed to some form of bribe or could have had my way by offering one. But ever since that night in Dover prison I have never been tempted to break my vow. My Parents always drummed into me that all you have life is your reputation: you may be very rich, but if you lose your good name you’ll never be happy.” ― Richard Branson
  • Compete until your haters brag they know you.

4. Captions and success quotes for women

Who says success is only for men? If the boys can, certainly do the girls!

Get the girl power through these wonderful businesswoman captions and quotes:

  • ‘We need to accept that we don’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” – Arianna Huffington
  • “The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It’s part of the job description.” Caterina Fake, Founder, Flickr
  • Be the kind of woman that makes other women want to up their game.
  • Being a successful woman in business means you get your power from within as a woman. Not from what others think, approve or expect from you.
  • “Option A is not available. So let’s kick the sh** out of option B.” – Sheryl Sandberg
  • “A successful woman needs a mix of design and practicality.” – Donatella Versace
  • Be a woman in business not a woman in someone’s business.

Be a woman in business

  • Closing the gap for women entrepreneurs should be a priority for the federal government – and yet the Small Business Administration has failed in their promise to women business owners.
  • “Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” Michelle Obama
  • Successful women can still have their feet on the ground. They just wear better shoes.
  • “Women are not as sentimental as men, and are not so easily touched with the unspoken poetry of nature, being less poetical, and having less imagination; they are more fitted for practical affairs, and would make fewer failures in business.” – Charles Dudley Warner
  • “I wake up every morning and think to myself, How far can I push the company forward in the next 24 hours.” – Leah Busque, Founder, and CEO, TaskRabbit
  • “Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling.” – Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop
  • “A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” – Eleonor Roosevelt

A woman is like a teabag

  • “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel
  • There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.
  • “A strong woman knows how to keep her life in order. Even with tears in her eyes, she still manages to say, “I am okay,” with a smile.” – Joyce Meyer
  • “A strong woman believes that she is strong enough to face her journey, and a woman of faith believes that it is in this journey that she will become strong.” – Millie Leung, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker
  • “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” – Madeleine Albright
  • “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the World.” – Hillary Clinton, American Politician and Former First Lady of United States
  • “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.” – J. K. Rowling
  • “You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone.” – Tina Fey

You’re in competition with everyone

5. Business jokes to make you laugh

Business doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. That is why we collected some business jokes here:

  • “Success is sweet but the secret is sweat.” – General Norman Schwarzkopf
  • I’ve found a job helping a one-armed typist do capital letters. It’s shift work.
  • Client: Yesterday I have bought an energy-saving bulb in your shop, returned home, but it does not work. Staff: It should not, it saves energy.
  • My interviewer told me my wage would increase to $2,500 per month after six months… I told him I’d start then.
  • My resume? A list of things I hope future employers never ask me to do.
  • I keep trying to start a hot air balloon business but it just doesn’t take off.
  • ‘How well do you work with PowerPoint?’
    ‘I think I Excel with it’
    ‘Is that a computer joke?’
  • I had a nightmare of a day, the computers went down and everything had to be done manually. It took me ten minutes just to shuffle the cards for solitaire.
  • My last boss said I have a preoccupation with vengeance… we’ll see about that.
  • God created the world. All the rest things were produced by Chinese.

All the rest things were produced by Chinese

  • “I’m never going to work for that man ever again.”
    “What did he say?”
    “You’re fired.”
  • After announcing I don’t answer to anyone, I quickly lost my job at the call center.
  • “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” – Bruce Lee
  • A committee is twelve men doing the work of one.
  • My annual performance review says I lack “passion and intensity.” I guess management hasn’t seen me alone with a Big Mac.
  • While I was out to lunch, my coworker answered my phone and told the caller that I would be back in 20 minutes. The woman asked, “Is that 20 minutes Central Standard Time?”
  • When my boss asked me who is the stupid one, me or him? I told him everyone knows he doesn’t hire stupid people.
  • Here’s some advice: At a job interview, tell them you’re willing to give 110 percent. Unless you’re applying to be a statistician.
  • The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
  • I think they picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when I’m around!
  • A boss and an employee on a golf course.
    Boss: If he misses tit putt, I’ll never promote him.
    Employee: if I make this putt, he may never promote me.
  • My job is incredibly secure, nobody wants it!

My job is incredibly secure, nobody wants it

  • When in doubt, mumble.
  • I couldn’t work today because of an eye problem. I just can’t see myself working today.
  • Teamwork is important; it helps to blame someone else.
  • I can’t believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
  • Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance?
  • If everything seems to be coming your way, you’re probably in the wrong lane.
  • I have a lot of jokes about unemployed people but none of them work.
  • Drink coffee! Do stupid things faster with more energy!
  • When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.
  • I use artificial sweeteners at work. I add it to everything I say to my boss.
  • A work-week is so rough that after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF.
  • Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
  • I like to work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.
  • There is a new trend in our office; everyone is putting names on their food. I saw it today, while I was eating a sandwich named Kevin.

There is a new trend in our office

6. Change in success quotes

We all know w

here is nothing permanent in this world. Only change is permanent. Therefore, we all have to be prepared to change and evolve our business.

  • Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
  • “Change is the heartbeat of growth.” – Scottie Somers
  • Money isn’t everything but everyone needs money.
  • You can’t undo the moves but you can make the next step better.
  • “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill
  • “We are a threshold of a sea change in the agency business.” David Louis-Edelman
  • “Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers, and business.” – Mark Sanborn
  • “Change the boundaries of business.” – Bill Gates
  • The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. – Oprah Winfrey
  • It’s easy to look sharp when you haven’t done any work.
  • “The next ten years, the business will change more than it did in the previous fifty.” – Bill Gates

In the next ten years

  • “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” – Jack Dixon
  • “All great change in business has come from outside the firm, not from the inside.” – Peter Drucker
  • “What most fail to realize, typically until it’s very late in the game, is that change happens to us whether we like it or not.” – Tom Asacker, The Business of Belief
  • “People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn’t they?” – Bill Gates
  • “An employer has no business with a man’s personality. The task is not to change personality, but to enable the person to achieve and to perform.” – Peter Drucker
  • Change requires you to shift your identity of who you are.
  • Perfect people don’t exist so don’t pretend to be one.
  • “Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful, it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. And to the hopeful, it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident, it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.” – King Whitney, Jr.
  • The only thing I fear more than change is no change. The business of being static makes me nuts.
  • “I don’t consider stardom to be anything related to me. I hope that the only way his business will ever change me will be (giving me) a good life.” – Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • “What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.” – Simon Sinek

Change the world

  • Only you can change your life. No one can do it for you.
  • Change is the essence of life be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become.
  • Companies that change may survive but companies that transform thrive. Change brings incremental or small-scale adaptions, while transformation brings great improvements that ripple through the future of an organization.
  • Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.
  • “Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way, if you let it.” – Lindsey Vonn
  • “A pivot is a substantive change in one or more of the nine boxes of the business model canvas.” – Steven Gary Blank
  • “Change in all things is sweet.” – Aristotle
  • “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent. But the most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
  • “Change the world. Build a business. Have fun.” – Evan Williams
  • Change is not always fun, but in order to run a profitable business, you’ve got to course correct, constantly.
  • If you try and failed, Congratulations!, most people won’t even try.
  • The beginning is the most important part of the journey.
  • “If you really want to do something, You’ll find a way if you don’t you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn
  • Have more than you show, speak less than you know.
  • We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are

7. Funny captions for success

Sometimes all we need is a break. And funny captions are great for that!

  • I have to be successful because I like expensive things.
  • Think of how stupid the average person is. And realize half of them are more stupid than that.
  • We don’t have a company health plan but we do have a secretary in accounting who claims to be a faith healer.
  • The plan is to market our original product as a new product that’s as good as the original.
  • “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” – Douglas Adams
  • “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” – Margaret Thatcher
  • I don’t need Google. My wife knows everything.

My wife knows everything

  • A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.
  • “Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.” – George Bernard Shaw
  • A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.
  • Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.
  • “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” – Winnie the Pooh
  • For maximum attention, nothing beats a good mistake.
  • When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.
  • A hard thing about a business is minding your own.
  • If our boss makes a mistake, it is our mistake.
  • Some of us learn from the mistakes of others; the rest of us have to be the others.
  • “I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.” – Benjamin Franklin

I just found 100 ways to do it wrong

  • “If you let your head get too big, it’ll break your neck.” – Elvis Presley
  • “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” – Will Rogers
  • “I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.” – Steven Wright
  • “We owe a lot to Thomas Edison – if it wasn’t for him, we’d be watching television by candlelight.” – Milton Berle
  • “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Those proud of keeping an orderly desk never know the thrill of finding something that they thought irretrievably lost.” – Helen Exley
  • “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” – George Bernard Shaw
  • “Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Nobody has tried to swallow us since I’ve been here. I think they are afraid how we would taste.” – Steve Jobs

Nobody has tried to swallow us since I've been here

  • If we learn from our mistakes, shouldn’t I try to make as many mistakes as possible?
  • Early to bed, early to rise makes people suspicious.
  • If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.
  • All I ask is a chance to prove money can’t make me happy.
  • During an interview:
    – Why did you leave your last job?
    – The company relocated and didn’t tell me where…
  • He gave a great 10-minute business speech yesterday. The only problem was it took him an hour to deliver it.
  • My boss asked me to roundup 17 employees pronto. So I said, “20.”
  • A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.
  • Keep the dream alive. Hit the snooze button.

Keep the dream alive

8. Success tips and quotes

We all want our businesses to succeed!

Here you have some business strategy captions and quotes to learn from:

  • Stack your money and act broke.
  • If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money.
  • If you want to change the world, make your bed.
  • Every master was once a disaster.
  • If people like you they’ll listen to you. But if they trust you they’ll do business with you.
  • People have a hard time understanding the real cost of not saving and enjoying the benefits of saving.
  • When you spend some time tracking your activities in detail, your life becomes more steam lined and focused. You can let go of some things because you know where it’s best to put your time.
  • Don’t wait too long. You might miss your chance.
  • “You can have anything you want – you just can’t have everything you want.”- Anonymous
  • Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.
  • You can make a million excuses or you can make a million dollars.

You can make a million dollars

  • “Never invest in anything that eats or needs repairing.” – Billy Rose
  • “Even a stopped clock is right twice every day. After some years, it can boast of a long series of successes.” – Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible!” -Audrey Hepburn
  • Dreams are like rainbows. Only idiots chase them.
  • “In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.” – Harold Geneen
  • “If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.” – Bill Gates
  • “Great leaders are willing to sacrifice the number to save the people. Poor leaders sacrifice the people to save the numbers.” – Simon Sinek
  • Coco-Cola sold 25 bottles in their first year. So whatever you’re going through, it will be okay.

Coco-Cola sold 25 bottles in their first year

  • “If you can count your money, you don’t have a billion dollars.” – J. Paul Getty
  • “Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” – Chris Brogan
  • “If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.” – J. Paul Getty
  • “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember–the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, You’ll never grow.” – Khyati Sha
  • “Align your activities with your goals.” – Mukund Chauhan
  • “Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.” – Charles Barkley

Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train

  • Do not let pride and shame stand in between you and your purpose.
  • Never settle, always strive, to explore more, do more, learn more and be more.
  • Strategy and culture should have breakfast together.
  • A strategy will compensate the talent. The talent will never compensate for the strategy.
  • Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest.
  • “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out” – Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles 1962
  • You have always been stronger than you feel.
  • “Don’t spread yourself too thin. Focus trumps freneticism any day.” – John Coleman
  • It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.
  • Tracking your time is the single most effective thing you can do to turn your company around and put more money in the bank. Period.
  • Gather a think tank of like-minded business owners to brainstorm ways to reduce overhead and become more efficient.
  • If you suspect that you are leaving money on the table or working for less than you’re worth, it’s time to do something.
  • A strategy is the battle plan for a better future.
  • Make sure you are tracking revenue and expenses for every job to make sure each is profitable.
  • “There’s a way to do it better – find it.” – Thomas Edison
  • Success usually comes to those people too busy to be looking for it.
  • If you can do it today, why do you need tomorrow?
  • “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” – Albert Einstein

Stay away from negative people

  • What’s the use of running if you’re running in the wrong direction?
  • “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy are the noise before defeat.” – Sun Tzu
  • Limiting our work and focusing is the only way we’re gonna get to the point of doing really good, high-quality work that’s focused on the audience.
  • “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions.” – Henry Mintzberg
  • There is no way around hard work. Embrace it.
  • If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.
  • “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do”. – Kobe Bryant

The most important thing is to try and inspire people


If you made it this far, for sure you are interested in even more quotes, sayings and captions. You don’t have to beg us, we already have done the job!

Here you go:

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